Beware the Dog- The Griswolds

A 60 Second Review by Helje

★★★★ (4.00)
The Song – This song is upbeat, but holds deeper meaning. Vocalist Chris Whitehall explained, saying “It’s about losing someone we were really close with to heavy drug use.” You can use this song for solo dance partys or we’re over mixtapes (does anyone still do this?). It doesn’t hurt that this song is so dang catchy. The lyrics stick with you and I guarantee you will be humming this all day.
The Band – The Griswolds are a vibrant band, and originate from Sydney, Australia. They are named after the family in National Lampoon’s Vacation, a comedy film series. They have a song called 16 years on the FIFA 15 soundtrack, and are currently working on their 2nd album. The Members are; Tim John, Daniel Duque-Perez, Lachlan West, and Christopher Whitehall. Rumor has it that Kevin Ray has unofficially announced his membership. You can reach them here and buy their song to support them.

Warning: Profanity

Song and Picture from Soundcloud

Hurry Hurry by Air Traffic Controllers

A 60 Second Review by Helje

★★★★★ (4.25)
A ballad to all people who feel as if their life is slipping past, Hurry Hurry is a glimpse into the fleeting time we have on this Earth.
Initial Thoughts – This song is one of a kind and it was stuck in my head. I really liked the name choice of the band, and even more when I learned they chose the name because Dave Munro, a member, was a real-life air traffic controller.
The Band – The band Air Traffic Controllers is one great addition to your music collection. You can reach them here and hopefully will be able to catch one of their concerts.
Closing Thoughts – It is a great song for your spotify playlists or your midlife crisis playlist. I honestly played this song for a day straight and didn’t get tired of it. Great for sullenly staring out of windows and dance parties!

Song and Picture from Soundcloud